
General Standard Terms And Conditions

Last updated: 3.2.2024


The knowledge taught in our Tai Chi and Qigong school corresponds to the international teaching content of the International Tai Chi Chuan Association, which was founded by Master Yang Shou Chung and Master Chu King Hung in the 1970s.

In particular:

  • 24 Taoist health exercises
  • 24 meridian self-massage techniques
  • The entire curriculum of the "Original Yang Style

Online courses

The online courses are copyright protected and intended as live events. Recording or other saving of these courses is not permitted! Not even for purely private purposes!

Video training

The video training provided by us is copyright-protected and is only available for streaming to active students. Any downloading, copying or other duplication, even for purely private use, is not permitted!

Registration and participation conditions

The participant agrees to use the taught content for personal use only. The Original Yang Style may only be passed on by teachers of the ITCCA (International Tai Chi Chuan Association) and to members of the ITCCA (with course registration one acquires membership).

By registering for a course or seminar, the participant declares that he/she is able to cope with the physical demands of the class. The participant releases the organiser from any liability claims.

Right of cancellation of the registration

If you have concluded a contract with us online, you have the right to cancel it within 14 days, provided of course that you have not yet consumed our services. In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, a clear declaration in writing (email or registered letter) is required.


Company name: Depending on with whom you have concluded the contract:

  • Original Yang Style Academy OG
  • Tai Chi Vienna e.U.
  • Mag. Bettina Trost

Street Address:

Schottenfeldgasse 39
1070 Wien

I agree and expressly request that you start the execution of the commissioned service before the end of the withdrawal period. I am aware that I lose my right of revocation upon complete fulfilment of the contract by you.

In the event of revocation, we are obliged to refund any payments made in cash, by direct debit or bank transfer within 14 days. For this purpose, bank account details must be provided.

Terms of payment

The following payment options are available:

  • Bank transfer to the business account of Original Yang Style Academy, or Tai Chi Vienna e.U. or Mag. Bettina Trost.
  • Payment via Stripe online payment system
  • SEPA direct debit order
  • PayPal

The beginning of the service starts with the receipt of the payment (in case of bank transfer) or immediately in case of online payment or direct debit order.

After the first 3 months of membership, the payment method is changed to calendar months: An aloquent payment is due for the rest of the month, from then on the payment is always due at the beginning of the month (unless another payment date has been explicitly agreed).

Alternatively, it is also possible to pay in advance semi-annually or annually. This reduces the monthly fee.

The Original Yang Style Academy OG, Tai Chi Vienna and Mag. Bettina Trost reserve the right to adjust the amount of the course fee annually to the consumer price index.

Cancel / Pause

You can cancel your subscription in writing (post, email, SMS) by the 20th of the previous month.

Furthermore, it is also possible to suspend the service on a calendar month basis; here, too, written notice is required by the 20th of the previous month.

Opening hours / cancellation of classes

We currently offer several classes daily from Monday to Saturday. Depending on the number of students, the economic situation or other influences, this may change.

If necessary (e.g. lockdowns due to COVID-19), classes may be switched completely to online classes for the duration of the measures.

We reserve the right to temporarily close the school (e.g. during the Christmas holidays and when staff training is required).

We are committed to being open at least 42 weeks a year, to being open on average at least 3 days a week and to offering at least 6 courses per week. As can easily be seen from our timetable, we offer many more days and courses and have no plans to reduce this.

The school is closed on public holidays.

If the school is not open continuously during a month, this does not entitle the student to a refund of the course fee. The downtimes are averaged out over the months or can be compensated by coming more often.


By registering for a course or seminar, the participant declares that he/she is able to cope with the physical demands of the lessons. The participant releases the organiser from any liability claims.

We address all those who wish to use Tai Chi and Qigong for their lives. All teaching content is for private use only. Any public or private distribution without our explicit consent is prohibited.

Anyone who wishes to teach our teaching content can do so - subject to our consent and participation in the teacher training - exclusively within the framework of the franchise of the Original Yang Style Academy OG.U

Data protection

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (DSGVO, TKG 2003).

By registering for a course or a teaching event, you agree that the personal data, which I have given in the registration, will be processed by Original Yang Style Academy OG and Tai Chi Vienna e.U. (Inh. Georg Pfolz) and stored until revoked.

This consent can be revoked at any time by Tai Chi Vienna e.U. (Inh. Georg Pfolz), The revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out until then.

You are generally entitled to the rights of information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or that your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the data protection authority (Datenschutzbehörde).