
Feedback unserer Schüler

A year ago I could only move my arm in pain because of my bad shoulder. Then I discovered Tai Chi Vienna. Now I can move it again like a pinwheel without pain. Even the upper shelves are no longer a problem J.Tai Chi is my medicine for the second half of life!

Veronika (55J) , 10. August 2020

Jana Bartho

Jana Bartho

I am a classical singer and vocal coach:

As a dramatic soprano, I am currently singing many concerts, mainly in Vienna.

As a vocal pedagogue, I love to help people who love singing to re-activate the natural processes in the body - the optimal interplay of breathing, bodywork and voice, so that the voice can reach its full potential in the shortest possible time.

Here's a little feedback:

I go to Bettina's or Georg's Tai Chi school twice a week for training. For me it is very relaxing and energizing at the same time. Bettina and Georg are wonderful teachers. They have a lot of experience and a comprehensive knowledge. They work with a lot of empathy, so that everyone feels comfortable in class.

I am a classical singer and my singing technique has improved a lot since I started learning Tai Chi. Besides the group training, I do a few minutes of Tai Chi or various Qigong exercises every day before singing. If I skip several days of Tai Chi training, I notice it immediately when I sing.

Through regular Tai Chi training, my voice has become audibly freer and stronger. My breathing has become deeper and my diaphragm more flexible, allowing me to sing much longer phrases.

I would recommend Tai Chi to any singer or musician who works with the breath.

Jana Bartho , Sängerin und Gesangspädagogin , 2. März 2020

Bettina and Georg are two wonderful and experienced Tai Chi teachers. You learn in this school to find the way to inner peace easier. Tai-Chi taught here is really recommended to everyone, you do it just great!

Yo Jo auf Facebook, 14. Oktober 2019

I would not want to miss it anymore. Thanks for the great training!

Andi Jonas auf Facebook, 20. März 2017

This has become one of my favourite places. Nice people. Good tea. A lot to learn.

Martina Müller auf Facebook, 14. Juli 2015