

Qigong includes exercises that allow life energy Qi to flow. These are practiced in certain sequences, which are practiced alone or together and repeated often. abc

What is Qigong?

Qigong includes movement and meditation exercises that have their traditional origins in ancient China. These exercises sharpen concentration and train the body. In general, there are countless movements in Qigong. This is due to the fact that every master in traditional China practiced his own movement sequences and passed them on to his students.

In our school we focus on the Tao exercises and the meridian massage of the Original Yang Style.

What are the Tao exercises?

The "tao exercises", as Master Chu calls them, are 24 qigong exercises that are relatively easy to learn and work on several levels:

gymnastic: the whole body is trained 

  • Muscles are strengthened
  • The spine is moved in all directions
  • Tendons and fasciae are made supple


  • All meridians are activated. Meridians are the pathways in the body in which, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, life energy flows.
  • Many exercises also contain the special "bird" energy of the Authentic Yang Style (Original Yang Style).

What is the Tao massage?

The Meridian self-massage of our system involves practicing 24 self-massage techniques that work on multiple levels. All energy meridians or pathways are systematically activated. The arm movements and sitting posture result in improved mobility and gentle working of muscles, tendons and fascia.

What does the name Qigong mean?

The term Chi (Qi) or life energy has been mentioned on this website several times. This refers to the energy that each of us carries within us and that runs in cycles. This means that this energy or chi can be absorbed - through food, breath or movement - but also released, for example through exhalation.

Gong or kung (e.g., in kung fu), in turn, means as much as care or work. So Qigong is about a care of one's own Chi (Qi) through constant exercises. The goal of Qigong is to care for and thereby maintain one's own life energy. By the way, Qigong is pronounced like this: "chee-gung". Sometimes you also meet the old spelling "Chi Kung".