

Have you ever wondered why emails keep getting lost?

Especially, Vodafone,, and filter automatically sent e-mails strongly and require a so-called whitelisting, which is called "put on my trust list" or "put on the positive list" and means that you receive our messages safely.

First step: check your spam folder!


therefore whitelist our email addresses with the wildcard * (for all email addresses of Tai Chi Vienna), or if this is not possible:


Do this in the following places:

  • at your email service provider
  • AND in your e-mail client (Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook)

Whitelisting tips

Please read this carefully to ensure that you receive the e-mails you have requested.

Whitelists are also called "desired list", "approved list" or "positive list" in German.

To ensure that the e-mails do not end up in the spam folder of your e-mail programme, it is important that you whitelist

  • the URL and the e-mails
  • and
  • or with wildcards: * for all of them

in the security settings of your e-mail programme and also on your mail server, e.g. gmx, freenet,, yahoo, gmail, t-online etc., i.e. put them on the "wanted list".

1. "Whitelists" on e-mail services

  • πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
    ("Positive list") Go directly to the e-mail centre, click and log in, then you will see your mails, click on the wheel (setting) on the right to then display all settings. On the left, click on Spam protection and select Filter settings. By default, "Reject directly" is checked - uncheck it.
  • 1&1: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
  • GMX: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
  • πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
  • GMail: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link... If you use GMail, please be aware that emails may be placed in your "Marketing Folder". ("Approval List")
  • Freenet: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link... ("AllowList")
  • Yahoo: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link... Look in spam folder and mark specific emails as "Not Spam".
  • If you use your own domain (e.g. as your e-mail address, please go to the website of your web host and search under "Whitelists". Even if you use your own e-mail address, e-mails are often not delivered.
  • Easyname: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
  • Strato: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...

2. whitelist the e-mail client on your computer.

You must also make whitelisting settings in your e-mail client on your computer, e.g. PC Outlook or Apple Mail:

  • PC Outlook: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
  • Apple Mail: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...
  • Thunderbird: πŸ‘‰πŸ» Link...

If these links do not contain the answers you need, please google "turn off spam filter" or "whitelist" with the name of your mail program or the name of your email provider.

3. make sure that your mailbox always has sufficient storage space.

as delivery to full mailboxes will be rejected (the e-mails cannot then be delivered).

We hope to have served you with this detailed information. The rest is "learning by doing" - there you are again a few steps further!